IT'S RETRACTION TIME!!! Sikora's Polish Market & Deli, 16 November 2019

   You might remember back in the day (actually 10 September 18) when Daddy Charlie wrote about his visit to Sikora's (on 8 September 2018) and he said this:
Fuck it, I’ve got my least wrinkly sausage at the deli which is like saying I’ve got my most fuckable sheep at the petting zoo: I’m not sure about this and I think something bad will happen to me but I’m going through with it.
   No, not that. Quit playing. I said this:
This was the blandest dog I’ve… Well, that’s a bit hyperbolic but, Jesus, where was the salt? the fat? the garlic? It was totally uninspiring.The bun was thicc and fluffy without being airy, the mustard was spicy, the coleslaw provided no crunch or sweetness or tang. Kind of bummed but I lost only four beans.
   Well, this past weekend, Kath and I were looking for kielbasa and we missed the turn for Kramarczuk's so I said we could also hit Sikora despite that I once said this:
Fuck it, I’ve got my least wrinkly sausage at the deli which is like saying I’ve got my most fuckable sheep at the petting zoo: I’m not sure about this and I think something bad will happen to me but I’m going through with it.
   Yes, I did say that.
   Well, we get there and they have, check this out, actual fucking biała which I haven't had in centuries and then, o! my stars and garters! they have pączki! Which I haven't had in literally fifteen years, maybe more, and when I see them, it's like the first minute of this clip, wherein I am played by Robert Forster and the pączki are played by Pam Grier. 

   I got lemon with powdered sugar and I convinced Kath to get one, she picked raspberry, and she agreed that it was pretty much the best thing that has ever happened in the history of ever. We also snagged a pair of kielbasas from the little self-serve sitch and they were  lot better than I remember them being. Full of flavor - garlic, salt, spices, the skin providing just a wee bit of snap but not resistance, the bun was about the same as I remember and the slaw / kraut / whatever added a bit of sweet & sour to balance the turmeric & vinegar of the mustard. And goddamn, those pączki! Not to mention that the biała I cooked after getting home was the same biała I grew up with.
   So, whatever shit I talked about Sikora's -
Fuck it, I’ve got my least wrinkly sausage at the deli which is like saying I’ve got my most fuckable sheep at the petting zoo: I’m not sure about this and I think something bad will happen to me but I’m going through with it.
   Alright, I get it! Fuck! Look, just go to Sikora's and give them your money. You won't be disappointed.
